Remus Cernea
Former MP, the only one ever with the agenda of the European Greens in the Romanian Parliament (2012-2016 legislature). Former adviser of the Prime Minister for environmental issues and dialogue with civil society. The initiator of the law which bans the using of animals in circuses which was voted by the parliament after three years of campaigning. Another law which passed was about promoting more scientific information in the media. Other laws initiated but not approved by the parliament: for banning the using of cyanide in gold mining, for banning the fracking for shale gas extraction, to stop deforestation, for the protection of the dolphins, to stop the hunting as so-called 'sport', to increase the penal punishment for the cruelty against animals. A supporter of a green sustainable and circular economy. A promoter of the electric cars and of the transition from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to renewable energy.
Abstract : How strong is the political will to reduce the emissions responsible for climate change?